Also known as Interstitial Cystitis
This condition can cause pain and irritation in the bladder and cause you to feel a frequent urge to urinate. PBS/IC is often mistaken for recurrent UTIs, can be difficult to treat and can make it hard to function in your daily life.
We offer a range of treatment options that can help manage symptoms.
What is Painful bladder syndrome (PBS)/ Interstitial cystitis (IC)?
PBS/IC is a chronic bladder condition that causes recurring bouts of pain and pressure in the bladder and pelvic area, often accompanied by an urgent and frequent need to urinate - for some up to 60 times a day, around the clock. Discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis can be so excruciating that, according to surveys, only about half of people with the disorder work full-time.
There's no cure for IC, but many treatments offer some relief, either singly or in combination.
What other disorders are associated with PBS/IC?
Irritable bowel syndrome
Fibromyalgia (a condition causing muscle pain)
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Vulvodynia (pain or burning in the vulvar area that isn't caused by infection or skin disease)