It is not all in your head.
Pelvic pain is a complex issue that affects as many as 1 in 5 women worldwide that can disrupt a woman’s ability to work and function in her daily life . This condition involves several systems in the body, making it be difficult to treat. As a result, many women see provider after provider without getting a diagnosis or treatment that works.
Associated symptoms may include:
Lower back or hip pain
Frequent or urgent urination
Pain with bowel movements
Pain with sex
Irritation or itching of labia
Our providers have specialty training in the assessment and treatment of pelvic pain and are ready to work together with you to customize a treatment plan.
At least 1 in 10 women have endometriosis, most seeing 3-5 doctors and suffering for up to 8 years to reach a correct diagnosis. Up to 85% of women with chronic pelvic pain have endometriosis.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found outside the uterus. This tissue bleeds with your period, which can cause pain with your periods, called dysmenorrhea. Endometriosis tissue is stimulated by estrogen to grow and produce chemicals of inflammation, as well as growth factors that stimulate nerve growth nearby. To make this process even worse, endometriosis tissue secretes its own estrogen so the painful inflammation can continue at other times in your cycle as well.
How does endometriosis cause pain?
The inflammatory chemicals and growth factors make the body feel like there is a constant injury in the area of the endometriosis and results in changes in the local muscles that lead to painful spasms and trigger points. The inflammation also feedbacks to the central nervous system, affecting neurotransmitters and the perception of pain. Due to these changes, women with longstanding, untreated endometriosis often experience severe chronic pain and depression.
What are the most common symptoms of endometriosis?
The most common symptoms are pain with periods (dysmenorrhea), non-menstrual pelvic pain and pain with sex (dyspareunia). Since endometriosis can be anywhere in the body, women often experience urinary, bowel and abdominal symptoms, as well as fatigue.
How can endometriosis be diagnosed?
Most endometriosis is diagnosed clinically, meaning based on your history, symptoms and physical exam. The only way to definitively prove endometriosis is to do biopsies during an abdominal surgery, usually a laparoscopy. Occasionally, endometriosis can be seen on ultrasound.
What can be done to treat endometriosis?
The treatment of endometriosis starts with decreasing the inflammation caused by the stimulation of the endometriosis, which can be done with medication, as well as lifestyle and diet changes. To address the muscular and neurologic changes, we offer several evidence-based treatments, including compounded vaginal medications, abdominal and pelvic trigger point injections, vaginal platelet-rich plasma and laser treatments.
Call our office to schedule your comprehensive consultation today!